Heroku Deployment Services

Start deploying your applications to Heroku, and supporting multiple application environments with a convenient and modern Platform-as-a-Service for Enterprise Application Development!

Heroku is a cloud platform as a service (PaaS) supporting several programming languages that are used as a web application deployment model. It’s based on a managed container system, with integrated data services and a powerful ecosystem, for deploying and running modern apps. The Heroku developer experience is an app-centric approach for software delivery, integrated with today’s most popular developer tools and workflows. The cloud-based environment covers user management, development, testing, quality assurance and handling of staging and production systems.

A big advantage of Heroku is the possibility to add more resources (dyno) to your app with just a click. Auto-Scaling for dynes is possible as well and can save a lot of money for your clients.

Meanwhile, Heroku supports a lot of coding languages and integrations. Developers can choose their preferred language, database, and services for their apps. Outstanding to competitors is the documentation for functionality, the deployment of apps (e.g. RubyOnRails and Spring) or the setup and usage for databases like Postgres or MongoDB.

Heroku is fully managed, giving developers the freedom to focus on their core product without the distraction of maintaining servers, hardware, or infrastructure. The Heroku experience provides services, tools, workflows, and polyglot support—all designed to enhance developer productivity. It supports languages such as Ruby, Java, Node.js, Clojure, Python, PHP, Perl, and Scala.

Heroku is a service that enables companies to spend their time developing and deploying apps that immediately start producing value.An app starts impacting the world when customers start interacting with it. Getting apps out in the wild, out onto the Internet quickly, and iterating, fast, is what can make or break companies. Heroku focuses relentlessly on apps and the developer experience around apps. Heroku lets companies of all sizes embrace the value of apps, not the distraction of hardware, nor the distraction of servers - virtual or otherwise.

Our dexterous workforce is competent to deliver the secure, reliable and comprehensive services to a variety of business verticals. Heroku has the most comprehensive feature set of any cloud hosting service, giving you unprecedented power to develop cloud-based solutions.

We’ve developed massive scale search engines using custom algorithms, created dynamic price quoting tools, and engineered multi-system integrations that utilize cross-platform database matching. Trivialworks has the experience to innovate disruptive technologies that will revolutionize your organization.

Established Since


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Mobile Apps



Quickly develop and deploy cloud applications

It can run just about any language and do it at any scale of your choice.

Build top-of-the-line connections to the Salesforce platform

The database is an Enterprise-grade Postgres, offered as a service .

Meet enterprise needs with Node.js, & open source languages

A variety of add-ons from the marketplace for cloud services like logging, data, etc. Create powerful APIs that integrate with your business platform.

Easy and secure integration / syncing with Salesforce.com

Create speedy, single-page apps coupled to your web environment that can be reused for hybrid-native mobile and desktop development. The entire ecosystem is Safe harbor certified and offers global, enterprise-grade support

Easy and secure integration / syncing with Salesforce.com

Create speedy, single-page apps coupled to your web environment that can be reused for hybrid-native mobile and desktop development. The entire ecosystem is Safe harbor certified and offers global, enterprise-grade support

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