PHP Development Company

Trivialworks is rated as one of the best PHP web development company in India and USA. We offer PHP Development Services, PHP Web Applications Development , PHP Website Development, PHP Software Development, Hire Dedicated PHP Developers/ Programmers/ Specialist for your long-term, immediate and emergency PHP Development needs.

Trivialworks has a diversified experience in PHP based application development & Open Source Application Development which help us understand our client’s requirement and to deliver brilliance in every project. We have expertise in PHP and Open Source Application Development and by blending it with Linux – Apache – MYSQL – PHP we create benchmark with every single project undertaken. We have a dedicated and immensely talented team to understand, manage and deliver exactly what you ask for. Cost effectiveness of PHP & Open Source Application Development is the reason why it’s become the most preferred development programs for all types of industries and organizations. Websites including dynamic websites, Ecommerce Websites, Social Networking Sites & Online Portals all are being designed under PHP and Open Source Development. All these websites are designed to carry heavy loads effortlessly and are enormously resourceful. Below mentioned are few projects delivered by us that comes under PHP & Open Source Development.

Trivialworks is a leading PHP app development company providing end-to-end PHP website & application development. Our skilled team of PHP developers deliver cost effective web solutions in PHP (LAMP) MySQL, AJAX, jQuery, and Open Source technology. We combine both creativity and imagination to render the 100% user-friendly and interactive web applications and web solutions. As a leading professional PHP development company we promote the use of MySQL along with PHP to build applications that are database driven. Our dedicated PHP developers will help you build lot of interesting web applications like PHP based shopping cart solutions, PHP payment gateways, PHP social connect, PHP CMS, PHP single sign-on , PHP plugins, PHP based portals, PHP based ecommerce applications, PHP bulk mailing solutions etc.

At Trivialworks, we use advanced technology for the PHP website development. Our PHP Development Services are affordable, low cost and superior quality as compared with industry factors. PHP application development supports a wide range of utilities. It is an open-source technology and thus effortlessly supports third party development tools and technologies. PHP is generally implemented at the server-end where it turns out to be a stand-alone interpreter for most operating systems.

Now days, the most loved scripting language of web developer is PHP, which stand for “PHP Hypertext Preprocessor”. It is broadly used for web programming as it flawlessly mingles with other web technologies. It best works with MySql Database & Linux Server, to make it more flexible we sprinkle it with Ajax. The output of these four technologies is incomparable in the field of PHP Development Services.

Established Since


Worldwide Happy Clients


Experienced Professional


Mobile Apps



Widely Popular

PHP is the most popular and widely used server side scripting language. No language has such wide acceptability and popularity. Some of the world's biggest applications and websites like Facebook, Yahoo,Wikipedia, Flickr. etc use PHP

Open Source

PHP is an open source and free programming language with extensive documentation. It can run on both Linux Apache and Windows servers. Thus it is one of the most cost effective web development solutions available.

Easy To Use

PHP is one of the easiest programming languages to learn and use. For new developers PHP is the best options as they get to learn it fairly quickly. aided by a huge community of developers always ready to help out.

Flexible & Scalable

Facebook, the social networking giant uses PHP and has created a new PHP language named “Hack'. This is helping it to cope with its ever growing needs. This is a great proof of how flexible, powerful and scalable PHP is!

Multiple Frameworks

PHP has a wide range of available frameworks that take care of any development needs.From enterprise level frameworks Zend & Yii to the most versatile Laravel & Symfony. there is a framework to fulfill every need!

Extraordinary Performance

PHP leverages Apache web server and MySQL database to deliver highly optimized applications. PHP also boasts of a huge standard library that helps delivers project with quick turnaround times.

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