We make Virtual a Reality! Creating Immersive Experiences!

Trivialworks has a dedicated Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Technology Team. Your next AR or VR product can be the one that disrupts the market. Imagine playing a game using a VR headset. You feel the action in real time as if you are playing the game in real life.

Augmented reality is "an enhanced version of reality that is created with the help of technology to add digital information on an image of something. In reality, it is a live, direct or indirect, view of a physical, real-world environment. Here, the elements of the natural surroundings are augmented(enhanced) using technology accompanied by computer generated sensory inputs like sound, video, graphics or GPS data used for enhancing one’s current perception of reality.

Virtual Reality is defined as "the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment." It replaces the real-world elements with a simulated version using cutting edge technology. It may be artificial, such as an animated scene, or an actual place that has been photographed and included in a virtual reality app. With virtual reality, you can move around and look in every direction -- up, down, sideways and behind you, as if you were physically there.

Working of Augmented Reality or Virtual Reality

Computer vision and object recognition algorithms form the heart of Augmented Reality Technology. These cutting-edge AR techniques enhance the information about the surrounding real world of the user to make it interactive and digitally manipulative. The artificial information about the environment and its objects is then overlaid on the real world.

Impact of Augmented and Virtual Reality in Various Industries

AR/VR solutions help businesses put their vision in front of their customers thus shape their dreams into visible forms backed by cheap and advanced hardware. Real estate, gaming, education, sports, architecture, movies, interior designs, medical, retail, hospitality, shipping, tourism, advertising, information technology and more- AR and VR solutions find applications across all these industries.

AR/VR brings multiple dimensions to gaming making the experience more real and exciting. In retail, it elevates customer emotions through interactive solutions for product communication and brand recognition.

Applications of Augmented Reality

Projections: Real Estate projects and architectures use AR solutions delivering experience of their project to prospective customers. The power of imagination backed by smart technology driven hardware brings their dreams to life. Similarly, in retail, marketers interact with their customers to capture their emotional mindshare and establish their positions.
Location based/Maps: Augmented reality empowers geo-location and geo-spatial mapping with additional data like pictures, reviews, ratings, social media information and many other useful facilities by overlaying points of interest in the map. One can find other local information and suggestions like nearby parking spots, restaurants, hospitals, traffic etc. making the experience more intuitive and pleasant for the users.
Image Recognition: Supported with necessary hardware, AR Solutions in QR codes activate printed materials, like magazines, newspapers and other printed products to provide valuable information. Simple pictures instead of keyboard inputs trigger digital content experiences that are customized to match specific needs. QR codes are the best testimonials to the magic of augmented reality coupled with image recognition facilitating faster, convenient and better user experience.
Gaming: Advanced AR/VR solutions create a magical experience like never before and take the gaming experience to a completely new level. You can experience modified sound, 3D add-ons, haptic feedback and many more.
VR/AR Platforms
AR: Vuforia, Google Tango, Windows Holographic APIs, ARKit, ARCore
VR: Oculus Platform, WebVR
HMD And Consoles
AR: Microsoft HoloLens, Epson Moverio Glasses, Google Cardboard, Google Glass
VR: Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Google Daydream View, PSVR, Fove VR, Star VR, Windows 10 VR
Consoles: PS Vita
Our Solutions

We bring a wide range of innovative solutions to enhance user experiences and add value to the business.

Marketing and Promotional Tools: We empower businesses with impactful marketing and promotional tools leveraging the powerful features of AR and VR which include interactive walkthroughs, live product demos and many more.
Business and Enterprise Solutions: We create customized AR and VR solutions catering the unique requirements of the client’s business which include virtual fitting rooms, interactive kiosks, virtual conferencing applications and many more.
Gaming Apps: We build amazing entertaining gaming experiences with AR and VR technologies. Our gaming design and development experts leverage the best offer to create gaming apps which have the power to mesmerize.
Training and Development Modules: We have specialization in using AR and VR for creating simulative training and development modules that enable interactive and realistic training for students and professionals across diverse industries.
Visualization Solutions: We provide creative and interactive visualization solutions that serve different purposes such as visual storytelling, data analysis, presentation, training and control of operations.
Social Experiences: We craft entertaining social experiences that can be extended across a variety of AR and VR devices. We make sure that the client’s business is able to get a winning edge with these rich social experiences.
The Industries We Serve
Virtual Try Rooms
Product Catalogue Visualization
AR-assisted Window Shopping
Interactive Kiosks
Simulative Surgeries
Physical Therapy Training
Phobia Treatment
Equipment Simulation
Education & Training
Interactive Walkthroughs
Field Trips
Guest Lectures
Travel & Hospitality
Virtual Field Trips
Location-Based AR Apps
Virtual Historical Tours
Virtual Hospitality
Real Estate
Home Demos
Architectural Design
Interior Design
Computer-Aided Design
Computer-Aided Manufacturing
Product Simulation
Technical Training
Why Choose Trivial Works?
Technical Skill: Our team comprises of skilled AR and VR developers with expertise in these technologies and the latest advancements in them as well. The in-depth understanding gives us the capability of crafting superior experiences and high-quality products.
Vast Experience: Having an industry presence of over 8 years, we boast of a vast experience in diverse technologies, including AR and VR. Till date, we have delivered numerous successful projects in this domain to reputed clients.
Creative Solutions: When it comes to building AR and VR solutions, creativity is what makes you stand apart. Our design team combines skill with creativity to create immersive and impactful user experiences with each of the apps they create.
Client-centric Approach: We follow a client-centric approach as we consider each client as a unique entity. We understand their unique requirements and tailor AR and VR solutions that match these requirements to perfection.
Agile Methodology: We follow an agile methodology that is focused on delivering the best results within the specified timeline. At the same time, we adhere to the best practices and high work standards. Constant communication and reporting are other things we ensure.
Competitive Pricing: Our services are competitively priced yet we make sure that the quality is never compromised. We offer flexible engagement models and hiring solutions to match the client’s expectations and budget.
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